Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's 12:45AM and I'm still up pondering about my life.... Lately, I have been up very late thinking about the outcome of my life. Am I in a professionnal position that is fulfilling, satisfying and challenging? What about my personnal life? Is it a haven to come back to after an unsatisfied work day? Is that the life I was wishing for 20 years ago? Well even if I answer negatively to all these questions, I still believe in hope!

I guess you have to find the good in each day, otherwise unsatisfaction will take over and slowly eat away at you! Enjoy the sun while at your lunch break, smile at the nice comment your co-worker made, soak up the precious time with your kids. Try to find the good in each person, even if sometimes you have to dig deep down... Maybe your co-workers who is snapping at you, at a hard time at home, maybe your manager is unsatisfied with the way his life turned out and that is why he has such a caustic way of handling situations. No matter what the reasons are, always give them the benefit of the doubt and stay positive. Don't get caught in their scheme, don't change yourself to fit in!!!! I am well aware that this comment may be easier said than done, but try to be true to yourself! Stay strong, stay true to your beliefs! There will be rewards for you, maybe not in this life maybe in the next. Well, that is what I keep telling myself and that gets me through the day. What get's you through the day?

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Saturday night without TV, how relaxing and peaceful! The kids are playing on the computer and I'm on my third spoonful of Nutella listening to mellow music. I had a chocolate craving but didn't feel like driving to the store: Nutella satisfied my needs.

Today was a fun day with the kids. From soccer field, where unfortunately both of my kids lost their games to Islip beach park where we met Adam's new friend. We met Logan about two weeks ago at Wendy's. The kids had a nice time together, exchanged phone numbers and today was the playdate. Funny but something like this is almost inimaginable in France. In France people, you first meet, are not as open and friendly as they are in the US. Maybe that is the reason why Americans think French are snobby and pretentious and why French think Americans are show offs and braggers. I believe it is a way of being that you can only understand after spending some quality time in the respective countries. Living in the US for 17 years now, I still sometimes have a hard time connecting to people I meet for the first time. I am actually working on developing new friendships by joining few clubs and activities. I don't want to limit my life to work, house and kids. I am eager to learn from others and so far it has actually been quite rewarding.
Life takes unexpected turns and I need to start being stronger and I need to start making decisions that will ultimately make me happier! Just think about your life! Are you happy? Are you satisfied with the life you live?